Counselling and Support

Things To Consider
Before Starting Counselling
Please find some information below on things you may wish to consider, such as:
The importance of feeling ready for counselling
Having time to commit to counselling
My cancellation fees and policy
Feeling Ready for Counselling
Counselling is experienced by most clients as a process and the length and depth of this process does vary very much from client to client.
Being honest, this process isn’t always easy and can feel uncomfortable at times. So although you will always be fully supported through this process it is important that you feel fully ready in yourself, to begin this process.
I think most clients would agree that counselling is definitely a commitment and in order to reap the full therapeutic benefits of therapy, clients ideally need to be dedicated and committed to the counselling process and their sessions.
So considering whether you realistically have time to fit appointments in, is really important.
Cancellation Fees and Policy
I do completely appreciate that things can come up for clients and that from time to time clients may need to rearrange an appointment.
However, if an appointment needs to be rearranged or cancelled I do ask for a minimum of 48 hours notice.
This is just to allow me some time to book another client in that may be waiting or to rearrange my day slightly.
due to the financial impact that last minute cancellations can have
I do have to charge the total amount for the appointment
If the full 48 hours notice hasn't been given.
This charge also applies to missed appointments.
Payments for cancellations and missed appointments
would need to be made
before another appointment could be booked.
Thank you very much for your understanding